Painting Contractors in Greenwich, CT
23 October, 2013
Home Improvement Pro’s – What Your House Deserves
5 November, 2013
Painting Contractors in Greenwich, CT
23 October, 2013
Home Improvement Pro’s – What Your House Deserves
5 November, 2013The winter is on its way and it is a massive problem for just about everybody. Icy roads and pathways, constantly bad weather, clogged traffic and the need to wear four layers of clothing at all times means that nobody truly enjoys the winter!
Although it can be cozy and enjoyable to look out the window and feel warm in your home, having to go about your actual life in the biting cold can be a nightmare! So one thing you don’t want to have to deal with when you come back home is a cold, damp house!
Winter costs many of us thousands of dollars due to the lack of preparation. There are some common issues in houses that, if noticed, can be fixed easily but if left alone can become costly errors. If you leave these problems to roost, they will come back to haunt you.
Look out for the following problems in your home before you either get any painting contracting work, or even just in general to ensure that your home is in top condition and you can avoid huge bills in the future when the cold really sets in;
Dark Brown Spots on the Inside Ceiling
This is an instant giveaway for water leaks inside the room. This could be from anywhere – the room above, the roof, the pipes, there is a wide variety of problems it could be so if you have any dark spots on the roof, make sure you get them checked ASAP.
Dark Spots on the Exterior Siding or Trim
This can be two things – the aforementioned water leaks from above, but from a different source, or it could also be a poor use of paint and/or primer. If you find these spots are not due to water leakage, then unfortunately you last paint job may not have been carried out efficiently.
Black Marks on Interior Ceiling & Walls
This is one of two things – mold or humidity problems. These are both serious issues for the long-term health of your home so make sure you get your house or property checked immediately should you notice any of these problems. They are extremely easy to notice, so just keep an eye out as you come closer to winter.
Black Marks on the Exterior of the House
This is again down to two things – a really high humidity when the painting was carried out, or fungus. Either way, you will need to get something done – have the potential fungus checked out and removed if there is any problems, and look into the potential painting contractors Greenwich CT has to offer… of course, we are help ready to help.
Discoloration of Stain Doors
This means that there is a lack of polyurethane layers, which needs to be addressed or the door will become washed out and less efficient at both keeping heat in the room and avoiding drafts.
Flowing water on the walls
This means that there is an obstruction in the downspouts and the canoes – you need to address this immediately, this is a very serious problem for your home and could cost you a huge amount if left unattended.
So if you want to avoid any costly errors that could de-rail your Festive period, then make sure you send us a mail if you spot any of these issues, or just want to fortify your home for the coming winter! We’ll be in touch as soon as possible to help you out.