Windows cleaning in Greenwich

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Service: Windows cleaning in Greenwich

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GAP Painting & Home Services provides the service of Windows cleaning in Greenwich CT as the best home improvement contractor and takes pride in its extensive experience in this service industry.

Cleaning the windows becomes a rewarding task when it is verified, from different distances and angles, that the glass was properly cleaned.

In our homes and offices, it is possible that they are receiving  more or less frequent maintenance but the improvised use of paper or towels does not guarantee that the windows will be truly clean since these windows are more likely to get dirtier by environmental contamination than as result of the people handling.

In commercial premises where large windows are constantly touched by people, and particularly in restaurants, where air carries small particles that form a crust in the glass, window cleaning must be performed very often for hygiene and aesthetics reasons.

Window cleaning in commercial establishments

Because it’s a business frequented by a mass of people, the windows exposure to tiny spots and particles means that according to health standards, commercial establishments must maintain their windows clean permanently.

But cleaning windows in depth requires special implements such as dampers, wipers, window cleaners, blades and wringers among other specialized tools if you want to get your windows clean without scratching them. All without taking into account that extensions for utensils and stairs or even scaffolds that are needed if the height of the windows requires it.

The best thing to do is leaving glass cleaning to experts who have the tools, products and ability to perform a job that will reflect in the presence of your company or residence.

At Gap Painting and Home Services LLC we offer you a quality, window cleaning service. If you want to contact us, send us an email or enter our website for more information on window cleaning.

We can help you in Greenwich, Stamford, New Canaan, Wilton and all around Fairfield County. We guarantee you an excellent, quality job.


If you have any questions about our service, please do not hesitate to send us a message. We reply as soon as possible.
You can also contact us at the following phone numbers.

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